When it comes to posts that fly versus posts that flop, the truth is, we never know how content will perform until we publish it.
No matter what the SEO gurus and social media divas tell you, going viral is unpredictable.
Sometimes, we expect an article to stay niche. Then, you guys share it 1,000 times on social media in a few short days.
Yet sometimes, we’re sure our latest article will top our hit list, only to hear crickets chirping 3 weeks later.
So today, we’re sharing with you 9 posts that you probably didn’t see when we published them because according to our stats, almost no one did.
We don’t know why—we actually think this content is pretty awesome and useful.
Maybe it’s us. Maybe it’s Google.
Either way, good content shouldn’t go to waste. So today, we’re giving them a little boost.
Check out our editor’s picks for Moody Moon’s Top 10 Posts You Probably Missed.
What I Learned From Floating in a Sensory Deprivation Tank
Our contributing writers have done some crazy things to bring you the best in weird.
We’ve been locked in haunted meat cellars, traveled all the way to Scotland to observe neo-Celtic spring rites, and even spent the night with a room full of strangers tripping on ayahuasca—totally sober, which made it extra weird.
And then there was that time we got invited by a spa to try floating in a sensory deprivation tank.
The best part is, if you’re into that flavor of weird, there’s probably a spa near you where you can try it yourself.
Into the River: Introduction to Ritual Purification
For many people in faiths of all stripes, purification promotes healing, insight, and clarity.
But few practitioners take the time to really explore purification in-depth, discover new methods, and learn what makes them feel most powerful.
For more on all that, check out Into the River: Introduction to Ritual Purification.
Earthing: A Green Witch’s Guide to Getting Grounded
Did you know that major clinical studies indicate that connecting skin-to-earth on a daily basis improves health, wellness, and psychological stability?
It comes as no surprise to eco-loving magical practitioners. Many witches make a point of connecting directly with nature on a daily basis.
Check out Earthing: A Green Witch’s Guide to Getting Grounded.
Tools of the Craft: Essential Basics According To Your Path
This quick-and-dirty guide to spellcraft tools makes understanding the basics easy.
From cauldrons to seashells, whether you dabble in kitchen witchery or call yourself a sea witch, this article boasts visually appealing, totally Pinterest-worthy infographs to reference.
Check out Tools of the Craft to get a grasp on the basics according to your path.
How to Banish Drama During the Dark Moon
In modern witchcraft, the full moon has all the fun.
But the dark moon pulses with the opaque nature of deep spiritual knowledge.
Also, if you have some pent-up drama in your life, it’s a good time to let that shit go.
Check out How To Banish Drama During the Dark Moon.
How to Become a Professional Witch
You guys always fill Moody Moon’s inbox with questions like “How can I quit working a 9-to-5 and go full time serving my spiritual community?”
We finally took the time to answer that very question in How To Become a Professional Witch & Quit Your Job In Six Months.
“I fasted for 40 days for spiritual insight. This is what I learned.”
Curious about fasting to deepen your relationship with the divine?
Get an inside look into long-term fasting and check out this article about fasting for spiritual insight.
How to Create a Household Altar
There’s something so soothing and beautiful about maintaining a household altar.
It’s one of the simplest, yet most profound ways to incorporate your practice into your daily life.
Get inspired with this post on how to create a household altar.
Triple Moon Goddess Pillow DIY
Why oh why does this adorable project post get so little traffic? No idea.
Our guess is that it’s just so unique and creative that no one ever thinks to search for it on Google.
Spend a few hours making these triple moon goddess pillows.
Magical Road Tripping
Magic is portable.
Take your Craft on the road this summer with The Modern Witch’s Guide to Hitting the Highway.