Guest Post: Cozy Ideas for a More Magical Imbolc

Guest writer Sue Hunter shares with us her coziest ideas for celebrating Imbolc.

Imbolc is a time of renewal, fertility, and new beginnings, and it is right around the corner!

Celebrated from February 1st through the eve of the 2nd, Imbolc started as a celebration as the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Summer Equinox.

Writings from as early as the 10th Century speak of the breeding cycles of sheep, ewes milk, lactation and purification.

Ancient Celtic traditions threw festivals in honor of the Goddess Brigid invoking her in fertility rights.

It is the time the earth is pregnant with bounty. Its belly is stirring with heat from deep beneath the snow and frost.

It is the sweeping away of the old to make room for new.

Here are some Ideas of how you can harness the energy of this special Sabbat to renew yourself.

Spring Cleaning

Go through each room in a clockwise direction starting by the entrance and clean thoroughly. Throw away anything that is no longer needed and organize what is left.

Vacuum, sweep, and wash clothes.

Wipe down wall counters and floors windows and mirrors with a cleansing moon water wash either your own or use the recipe provided below.

If you have a fireplace, sweep and toss all ashes.

If there is anything that can be donated or recycled do so.

Ritual Bath

Every new moon or just when I may need it, I like to do a ritual bath to center and cleanse myself.

First, take a shower and imagine all the negativity, stress, and worries are washing away down the drain.

I empty myself completely of all worries. When I feel I have done that the next step is the bath.

Since Imbolc is about renewal and rebirth the herbs should reflect that.

These herbs are great for this purpose:

1 Cup almond milk( or milk of your choice): Love, beauty and prosperity

Sage: To purify and clear away negativity and attract the positive.

Lavender: To heal and calm. Lavender attracts love and happiness it also destresses and soothes.

Rosemary: Has strong feminine energy it opens your heart and promotes creativity, sensitivity and attracts love.

Cinnamon: To restore vigor and increase vitality. It also is for protection and to raise spiritual vibrations.

Lie back and relax.

Let the therapeutic and magical properties of these herbs work on you.

Let them infuse you and heal you from within. Once you feel relaxed and healed, step out the bath but do not dry off with a towel. Let yourself air dry to get the most benefits from the bath.

Tea, Tarot and Journal

Creative ideas for a book of shadows, grimoire, or personal spell book. Super fun and cute!

Next fix your favorite tea, burn some incense and write down your goals.

What would you like to accomplish, improve upon, or is there a project you want to start?

Receive divine guidance from the tarot and pull your cards. What do they tell you? Journal your thoughts.

Candles and Cakes

Coconut Snow Cakes: Imbolc with a Kitchen Witch. Get cooking this Imbolg with a crafty little winter recipe to warm the hearth and home.

You can bake your favorite Imbolc pastries.

(Try these Imbolc Goat Cheese & Balsamic Onion Tarlettes or this recipe for Snow Cakes!)

Light candles or light a fire in the fireplace, make a Brigid cross to hang on your door, and reflect on the message of Imbolc.

Think not only of the earth melting away the snow and frost, but also how we can turn into the energy of the Earth and harness its power. Imbolc marks the heralding of the changing of the seasons.

Not only in nature but in you!

Moon Water Cleanser Spray 

Need more?  Try throwing together this unique recipe for moon water.

-Rosemary sprig
-Lavender oil
-Sea Salt
-Clear quartz

I like to let the ingredients sit overnight to infuse the moon water with its cleansing properties.

For an extra magical kick draw a sigil on the bottle of your choosing!

1 Comment

  1. The words, the thoughts, the magic. You’ve no idea how valuable
    I’ve found it all to be at this time in my life. Thank you.

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