Are You a Natural Witch?

Are you a natural witch! Here are 7-signs you've got an innate talent for the Craft.

Are you a natural witch?  Check out these 7 signs of a born magical practitioner.

What is a natural witch?

The concept of the “natural witch” stems from a notion that while some people discover witchcraft, some people practice magic before they even know what they’re doing.

The former type tends to “find” the Craft after some kind of life-altering epiphany.  This often happens later in life or after leaving another spiritual tradition.

But the latter type tends to slip into the rhythms and habits of a witch in early childhood or adolescence, and may only (if ever) realize that their habits are those of a natural witch.

Don’t get too caught up in the label.  Being a “natural witch” isn’t any better or worse than being a “discoverer.”

But knowing which definition best applies to you helps clarify your relationship with the Craft, and offers insight into the trajectory of your spiritual path.

Here are 7 signs you might be a natural witch.

When you talk to nature, nature talks back.

Rather than standing outside the natural world and looking in, you integrate yourself with the rhythms of the animals and plants around you.

Maybe you know when a storm is coming just by reading the ocean tides, or have a knack for calling birds in a flawless vocal pitch.

Whatever your talent, if you developed it at a young age and it never quite left you, you likely possess the aptitude of a natural witch.

Your dreams play an important role in your waking life.

Most of us remember at least some profound dreams in our lives that touched us on a spiritual level.

But you always seemed to take your dream life more seriously than those around you.

Sometimes, you find it hard to shake that feeling of a nightmare even well into your morning.

Or, you tend to connect insights from your dream life with the more concrete realities of waking experiences.

The healing arts come easily to you.

Especially if you took them up in traditional medicine.

Perhaps you memorized all your grandmother’s natural home remedies.

Or maybe you spent years studying the finer points of acupressure, ayurvedic medicine or healing massage therapy.

If you know and love healing others with natural or traditional methods, you likely have a little natural witch in you.

You understand the power of will—-yours, and others.

The idea of manifesting your will comes not as a controversial proposition, but as second nature.

You know intuitively that imagining something into existence is not only possible, it is the foundation of invention.

Likewise, you recognize the power of will in others, and know how to align yours with theirs to advance a common cause or interest.

You experienced “supernatural” or paranormal phenomena in early childhood.

Whether or not the adults in your life took you seriously, you definitely remember communicating with spirits as a child.

Older people around you may have chalked these experiences up to “imaginary friends” or other childhood curiosities.

But even in your later years, you recognize something happened there.

These memories may even inspire you to become involved with paranormal investigations or take an interest in spiritualism.

However you choose to process them, they left a lasting impression on you.

Developing a special relationship with animals always seemed easy.

Even unusual ones, or animals that scare most people.

Maybe you insisted on carrying spiders out of the house instead of killing them when you were little.

Or perhaps others marvel at your ability to calm even the most restless rescue dogs.

Kevin Richardson, aka “The Lion Whisperer,” is a stunning example of this curious anomaly.

If animals, both wild and domestic, gravitate towards you in unusual ways, you likely carry the torch of a natural witch.

You spend more time in front of nature than in front of a screen.

In the 21st century, the very idea of spending more time outside than in front of a screen seems revolutionary.

But people with a natural inclination to the magical arts very often design their lives to accommodate a love of nature.

Maybe you work 6 months out of the year as a commercial fisherman, or you took a job as a park ranger.

Do you show these 7 signs of a natural witch?


  1. I have always been drawn to the craft ever since I can remember. My love of animals has led me to picking up abandoned cats left out in the cold, or thrown out in the gutter to die. As a child, I would bring home strays and nurse them back to health. I have even owned a timberwolf years ago. I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger. I was told my great grandmother on my mother’s side was what they called a white witch, a healer who used herbs. My mother also used herbs to heal pluse modern medicine. She wanted to be a doctor in a time where there was no such thing as a women doctor. My mother had dreams that would come true. I also have this but can also tell what someone did by tapping into their actions. When I was little, I could astral project and leave my body while I was sleeping and walk around the house without being seen. While I love all animals, I have a affinity for wolves. I have owned malamutes in the past and I could and still do pick up on their moods. I knew exactly how my female felt when she would look at me. We communicated through thought projection. I was told by someone when I was little that I was very powerful. I also could move objects with out touching them. Whenever someone was sick in my family and even today, I know what medicines and herbs to use. Another odd thing about me is l know I have lived before. I am drawn to alchemy and I was once told by a psychic that I myself held very powerful psychic abilities. I am also drawn to cats and can read their thoughts. A couple of months ago, I told my brother that I kept dreaming of big cats and in my dream I was being followed by Bengal tigers, my brother said this was my spirit guide. So, I don’t know if any of this means I am a witch or not, but would like to know.k

  2. I believe you already know the answer to this, what you are looking for is confirmation. So be confirmed and go do good with your gifts 🙂

  3. In the last 4 months I have been having strange experiences. Such as seeing numbers repeat or double alphabets. I initially thought. Mmmm you are desperate to see this until I saw clouds in actual number formation! It was extremely clear! A 3 and a 2. When I show people this, they are amazed!
    Animals birds and insects seem to come my way now especially crows. This has never happened before. I have recently helped a little bee!!
    I have a voice in my head that has been guiding me. Every bit of information given to me was confirmed by google lol. Last nite confirmation was given that I do not need to study to be able to heal others and create magic. I already have the ability. On two occasions, I knew exactly what crystals to get for people, even though I do not have any knowledge on crystals what so ever. The names where given and I had no knowledge of the names given. I googled and I was shocked that the healing properties of the crystal given were inline with what healing was needed.
    I dream of events and they do come true.
    I have always found more joy being in nature.
    I have a huge love for animals and children.
    I have two very unusual birth marks in my upper back between my shoulders. One is bluish black and the other white. Confirmation was given to me that the marks come from past life natural witch experiences.
    I am way more drawn to natural remedies.
    I sense people’s suffering and moods easily. I can spot a bullshitter a mile off.
    As a child I would see things that no one else could. I have always been drawn to movies about good witches lol. My gut told me that there has to be truth in it and also it felt natural to me.
    I recently went to a witch museum and everything felt like it was a part of me.
    Finding all of this out through the voice in my head initially created confusion, because I chalked it down to me having an extremely active mind that can come up with weird stuff.
    Reason for this is. My experiences are the opposite of what was once my religious background.
    I literally thought that I am nuts.
    I am now unsure on the way forward. I do not know how to go about stepping into my blue print. Is there any advice on how to develop this? Or do I just stick to the voice and let it guide me?

  4. I’ve had experiences where 7 ( for some reason it’s always 7) spirits stood at the foot of my bed and it was right when I started my period and the only reason I didn’t freak out is because I recognized my grandmother she’s the only one I knew! And @ 7 am as getting ready for school my radio and my brothers radio on same channel but mine played a song completely different from his! I also had a dream that someone’s barn caught fire and I saved all their horses.. I thought oh it’s just a dream but that next morning on the radio said that a barn caught fire and somehow their horses were all saved..I to this day don’t know if it really happened or tricks of mind played on me and again was not on my brothers radio but on mine! I was adopted and ice had chain after chain of events like this happen I get mad and things fly across the room am I a natural and just haven’t known? My biological mother practiced while carrying me and I’ve been told this can lead to being a ” natural” witch is this true? I also levitate in my sleep and look down on myself sleeping also feel someone or something pull on me and spin me around…see chain after chain of events like this all my life..I tamed wild cats that no one else would go near let alone catch and hold

  5. My mom had the second sight and so do I
    Everything else is related and fits even though I don’t feel particularly witchy
    I was only curious because someone I know to be a practicing wiccan has mentioned that I have these traits and the rest of the coven are always getting hugs to absorb the good feeling that seems to emanate from myself

  6. All of these are true for me. The craft found me before I hit puberty and I practiced for some time. The past 8 years or so I’ve sort of fallen off and tried to ignore the things listed in this article but it doesn’t seem to be going well. My dreams and nightmares have become stronger and certain things manifest themselves.. I feel like if I’m not controlling it my life is chaotic. I studied science in college and my skeptical side has grown… I feel like this is when it all sort of started. Recently, it’s almost as though my spirituality is catching up with me and there is a force pulling back into my practice. Why do I resist? Because I want to be “normal”. Not sure where to turn.

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