Bring up a little witchlette? Many parents raising children in the Craft complain about the lack of resources and pagan parenting books that fit their needs. But do a little digging, and you’ll discover there’s lots of information out there for people in your situation.
Read on for a few suggestions.
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Books for Pagan Parents
Why are pagan parenting books, blogs, websites and other resources so important?
Well, because everyone else has them.
There are parenting books for lesbian moms, moms pregnant with donor eggs, prison moms, single moms, and even moms who used to be dads.
But pagan moms? That’s a tough sell to a publishing company. Trust me. I’ve pitched it.
There just isn’t enough of a market to entice for-profit publishers into producing the kind of comprehensive parenting guides we crave in our community.
But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing.
Here’s a round-up sampling of what’s out there. From one pagan mom to another, I hope you find a little comfort and guidance in one of these.
For pregnant pagan moms.
We’ll start from the beginning. Pregnancy is a special time for anyone, but it’s particularly spiritually significant for those who subscribe to the Maid, Mother, Crone model.
Passages Pagan Pregnancy: A Journey from Maiden to Mother by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
This book is an original find. There really aren’t any other ones like it. It focuses specifically on the experience of early motherhood from a pagan perspective.
Makes a great gift for a pagan baby shower or belly blessing!
Witchy Mama: Magickal Traditions, Motherly Insights and Sacred Knowledge by Melanie Marquis
Written primarily for pregnant moms and mothers of young children, this book is a great way to kill the boredom of doctor-ordered bed rest!
Pick up a copy for the first time pagan mom in your circle, especially if that’s you!
The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by Genevieve Howlland
Even though this book doesn’t specifically target pagans, natural is a concept that very often resonates and overlaps with pregnant moms following the typically natural living lifestyle of a pagan.
Written in a conversational, lighthearted tone, this is an easy read for the witchy mom-to-be.
For parents of young children.
Parenting Pagan Tots by Janet Callahan
As the mother of a tot myself, I know the level of inventiveness you need to come up with things that include your toddler in your tradition.
Introducing young children to the natural world is an amazing experience. They take nothing for granted. From watching to moonlight to witnessing a seed transform into a young plant, everything is awe-inspiring and fresh to them.
Find in this book joyful ways to fully embrace this stage in your child’s life.
For everyone.
The Magical Family: Living in Harmony with Nature by Monica Crosson
A lovely guide to natural family living with tips, recipes and craft ideas to celebrate the seasons.
Perfect for the creative witch raising a family in the Craft.
The Earth Child’s Handbook by Brigid Ashwood
This book includes the entire family age range, from young children to adults. It details recipes and craft ideas that encourage family bonding and impart basic principals universal to most earth-based traditions.
Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions by Starhawk
I know. Starhawk is a pretty controversial name in pagan literature.
Love her. Hate her. However you feel about her, this book has been around for almost 20 years. It’s well reviewed, it has other contributors, and if you like the Wheel of the Year structure, it’s a helpful guide to have on your shelf.
For older kids and younger teens.
If your kids are older, or even venturing into their teen years, you likely want to start encouraging to read on there own, for pleasure.
The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill
I’ll be honest: as the only witch on the planet who cannot abide the Harry Potter series, I find it very difficult to discover books with pagan themes that aren’t cheesy, sensationalized or overly fantastical.
The Girl Who Drank the Moon is one of those rare, pagan-flavored books written by an author with a genuinely beautiful, lyrical style. It’s not exactly Flaubert, but it’s a lot better than most.
And if your teen doesn’t like it, there’s a good chance you will. 🙂
Blessed be.