You may be familiar with a spread called the “Two Fold Path” spread, which considers two major life decisions. The Three-Fold spread is a variation on this, drawing additional cards for a third option—The Path Unconsidered.
This is where the Tarot can be especially helpful in decision making. Sometimes, when we are faced with two options, it can be easy to forget that life gives us infinite options, and while it is impossible to consider or even think of them all, taking the time to look at least one that fits outside the box can be helpful.
Position 1: Where you stand now.
Position 3: The primary obstacle that stands in your way on this path.
Position 4: The general direction you’re headed if you stay with it.
Position 5: The first step on a new path.
Position 6: The primary obstacle that stands in your way.
Position 7: The general direction this path is headed if you chose to go this way.
Position 8: The first step on a path you’ve not yet considered.
Position 9: What stands in your way.
I hope this spread is helpful to you in your divination inquiries! Enjoy!
This is a wonderful little spread. I have been using it quite a bit. I also used it with a couple of my clients and they seemed to really like it. Thank you for sharing.
Blessed be,