How to Create Elegant Ostara Baskets

How to create an elegant Ostara or Easter basket.

Elegant, cheerful Ostara baskets bloom like mushrooms after a rainstorm this time of year.

It’s one of my favorite Spring Equinox traditions.

I love making them, I love styling them and I love giving them away.

The tradition of bringing your friends and neighbors baskets of goodies to celebrate spring dates back to the ancient pagan spring rites of European pagans.

In modern witchcraft culture, we exchange them to rekindle friendships that go dominant in the winter months of hibernating indoors.

So today, I am going to show how to throw together a chic spring gift basket with style and class.  

Here are some of my favorite elements of a classic Ostara basket.  

How to create a beautiful, elegant Ostara basket for the Spring Equinox.

Putting together a magical Ostara basket for my witchy friend.

Prosecca, a vintage chalice, hand-painted wooden eggs and fresh flowers make this spring gift basket a beautiful way to celebrate the Equinox.

Beautiful Ostara basket with handmade and natural elements that gift it an elegant, graceful look.

Natural Moss Filling

Please, please skip that tacky, fake plastic grass.  Not only is it hideous, it’s terrible for the environment.

Instead, I love to go on long walks in the woods and gather real, natural moss.

Or, look around the shady, wet parts of your neighborhood and see if any grows there.  Most people consider it a lawn weed, and happily let you take it if you just ask.

Best of all, it looks gorgeous in the bottom of any spring basket.  And instead of throwing it away, it makes a great addition to the compost pile.

Or, go the extra mile and add a hand-written card with instructions on how to use it to create a moss garden.

Line spring gift baskets with hand-gathered natural moss instead of the fake plastic stuff.

Wooden or Real Eggs

Again, I try to avoid all plastic in gift baskets and gifts in general.

Instead of the typical plastic eggs you see in American Easter baskets, try filling yours with either real, hard-boiled, hand-dyed eggs, or (affiliate link —->) hollow wooden eggs.

I love to hand paint wooden eggs and fill them with grown-up treasures. 

Instead of candy, I fill them with ritual ingredients, like bags of herbs or stones.  

Or, paint one egg golden and fill it with a piece of ritual jewelry.  

Ostara hand-painted wooden egg with a witchy treasure inside.

Antique Chalice

I routinely find antique silver chalices for $2 or less on my frequent hunts for ritual supplies at the thrift store.

There’s a whole basket of them in my craft closet.

Whenever I need a little something extra in a gift basket, I toss one in with some libations.

Add a little bottle of spring brunch wine (like prosecco or champagne).  Makes for a lovely addition to an Ostara ritual, especially when paired with fairy cakes!

Fresh Flowers in Pastel Colors

Who wouldn’t welcome a lovely bouquet of soft pinks, blues and lavenders?

A store bought bunch works fine, of course.

But while you’re out looking for moss, why not gather some wildflowers?  It gives your Ostara baskets a local, authentic feel.

Make a large bouquet, or charm your gift-receiver with a batch of these mini ostara bouquets.

Fresh spring flowers!

Other Ideas

When it comes to Ostara baskets, the more creative, the better!  Use your imagination, use what you already have and use what you find in nature. 

Consider any one of these:

DIY Wildflower and Honey Soap.

-Packets of flower seeds.

-Floral essential oils (like chamomile, rose, or lavender).

Flower moon cookies.

Candles pressed with dried spring flowers.

-A jar of wildflower honey from the farmer’s market.

-Bulbs for spring planting.

-Jars of homemade rose water.

-Vintage gardening books.

I always love to hear your ideas in the comments, so feel free to add your own!  


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