Use the following tarot spread to analyze your dreams on a deeper level, to untangle reoccurring dreams or enrich your dream work.
Roughly six years of your life will be spent dreaming. The amount time you dwell in the surreal world of your unconscious mind makes it as important as the world of your waking life.
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If you have a choice of decks, select one with surreal or dreamlike symbolism. I chose the strange and beautiful Ceccoli Tarot deck, which I fell in love with on my recent trip to Salem, Massachusetts. The hypnagogic quality of the imagery in this deck fits nicely with the theme of dream interpretation.
Position 1: Your Waking Life. This card symbolizes how the events, emotions and conscious thoughts in your waking life underlie your dream life.
Position 2: The Primary Message. This card represents what the spirit world is trying to communicate to you through your dreams. If you are reading for yourself, try using as much objectivity as possible. Often, we dream about things we don’t want to acknowledge consciously, which sometimes makes this card difficult to confront.
Position 3: The Bridge. Stands for the link between your conscious mind and your unconscious mind. Concentrate for as long as necessary before leaping to any conclusions about this card. Untangling your conscious mind from your deeper reality challenges even the most self-aware person. Take your time.
Position 4: Your “assignment.” Look to this card for a message about what actions to take in your life to remedy any blockages that cause reoccurring themes in your dreams or prevent you from moving forward into a higher plane of thinking.
Position 5:What to meditate on before falling asleep. The time just before falling asleep is a period of heightened sensitivity for meditation. Look for messages or themes to focus on during this period to enhance your dream experience.
Position 6: What to look for in your future dreams. This card signifies upcoming themes in your dreams to watch out for and pay careful attention to.
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